PLUS!™ Performance, Liquid filled perfomance in a dry gauge
In the Past, applications where heavy vibration and pulsation were resent required the use of either a conventional dry gauge with a hard to read pointer and limited life span, or costly liquid filled gauge and all the headaches that come with them. And exclusive, An exclusive , breakthrough technology developed for ASHCROFT pressure gauges providing virtually liquid filled performance in a dry gauge , the ASHCROFT® PLUS!™ Performance option
PLUS!™ Performance
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Heat Trace, Working Principle of Self-Regulating Cables
Self regulating cables have certain advantages compared to the other types. These cables can be overlapped. They can be cut to lenght and there won't be any cold region. While the ambient temperature changes, the resistance of the cable changes, too and the power consumption changes in turn. Due to this fact, in case of a failure in the controlling system, there is no risk of overheating and burnout. Temperature does not increase unlimitedly.
Heat Trace, Working Principle of Self-Regulating Cables
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